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Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I've been having a tough time lately. In the last 3 weeks, I've only lost 2 lbs. I am frustrated because I've been working so hard. I always get my healthy checks, I run as often as I can, and I never go over my points. I am lost. Last week, I gained 0.4. I've gained that before but this time I got upset. I don't know what more I can do.

One of the girls in my meeting started a few weeks ago and has been doing great. She said on Monday that she eats all of her daily points, weekly points, and activity points and she lost 2.2 lbs last week. Maybe that's what I'm not doing right. Last week I ate all of my daily points and 9 or 10 weekly points. I earned 54 activity points but didn't eat any of them. I am trying this week to eat more. But to me, it means making not the healthiest choices. It's weird allowing myself to eat more than I usually do. But I'm also making sure that I will get my usual activity points in.

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