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Thursday, April 21, 2011

So motivated now!!

I'm so motivated this week. I don't know where it came from. I'm not sure if it's because I'm over my plateau or because I hit -60 pounds but I'm loving it. I have been making great choices and have had very little processed food. I don't normally have a lot but I do enjoy pretzels, baked chips, or snacks like that every once in awhile. But this week, I've been having lots of fresh fruits and veggies instead.

I've never been much of a salad eater but we went to Sweet Tomatoes the other day. I do enjoy an occasional salad here or there but not all the time. I didn't have many points left the day I went to Sweet Tomatoes so I was planning on sticking to mostly salad. I used my iPhone to check out the points of stuff as we drove over there. They rotate their offerings often so I didn't know what to expect when I got there. I did know that I wanted to fill my belly with salad before I looked at anything else though. I still needed my 2 tsp of oil and decided to try using olive oil as my dressing. I loved it! More than loved it! I loved it so much I went out and bought lettuce to make salads at home! It's perfect because I'm getting veggies and my oils out of it. I never thought I'd look forward to salad.

I joined a gym and it's been going well. I have mostly been focusing on upper body because that's where I need help the most. Tomorrow I'm going to meet the trainer at 8am to learn how to work my lower body and abs. Duaine, the trainer, says it's good to do at least 30 mins of cardio after strength training but I've decided that I'm just not a treadmill runner. I just feel miserable on it. So tomorrow I'll try the stationary bike. And then just run when I'm home.

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